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ChatMonnet Terms of Use

ChatMonnet is an experimental conversational agent created by JEF Galicia and JEF Bordeaux to emulate the persona of Jean Monnet. It is not intended to provide factual information or professional advice.

Use of ChatMonnet is governed by these terms of use. Please read them carefully.

1. Disclaimer of Accuracy

The responses provided by ChatMonnet are generated by artificial intelligence systems and are not reviewed for accuracy or truthfulness. ChatMonnet may provide responses that are incomplete, incorrect, offensive, or factually untrue.

You should not rely on any responses from ChatMonnet as statements of fact or substitute for professional advice. The creators of ChatMonnet provide no guarantee of accuracy or truthfulness for any responses.

2. Fictional Persona

ChatMonnet emulates the persona of Jean Monnet. Its responses do not necessarily represent the actual views, opinions, or factual knowledge of Jean Monnet or any living person. Responses may include invented "facts" and opinions that are not grounded in reality.

3. No Professional Advice

ChatMonnet is not a professional advisor and cannot provide legal, medical, financial, or other expert advice. Do not rely on any ChatMonnet response for decisions that could impact your finances, health, employment, legal rights, or other important life matters. Consult a qualified professional if you need advice.

4. Experimental Nature

ChatMonnet is an ongoing experiment in conversational AI. Its capabilities and limitations are still being explored. Responses may change over time as the system is updated. Bugs, offensive outputs, or other issues are possible.

5. Usage Restrictions

You agree not to use ChatMonnet for any unlawful, harmful, dangerous, or inappropriate purpose. Prohibited usage includes criminal activities, fraud, impersonation, copyright infringement, defamation, invasion of privacy, and infringement on rights of third parties.

6. Point of Contact

The project lead for ChatMonnet is Aldan Creo. If you have any issues with the chatbot or questions about these terms, please contact the ChatMonnet team at You can also find more information about the project in our website.

By using ChatMonnet, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms of use. You understand the experimental nature of the chatbot and will not rely on its responses as factual, professional advice.